Last week we had the first day of harvesting 6 eggs, which means all hens are now laying. But chicken eggs aren't the only eggs in the henhouse. Kuu and Isa, our rescue pigeons, are about to hatch two eggs. The candling photo below was taken 10 days ago. The photo below it was taken at 10:50am PST today... showing the first signs of hatching. Looks like we'll have a baby today!
With temperatures in the 80s for the past two weeks, most of our Winter/Spring veggies have bolted. While it's disappointing that the daikon radish, Chinese mustard, and bok choy went so quickly, I'll be glad to save their seeds as they dry on the plant in the coming weeks. I think this year the lesson will have finally sunk in that it's okay to plant seeds in the winter in order to have a full spring harvest. I guess it's not so easy to turn a stubborn Midwesterner into a Californian.
The good news is, the heat means the squashes and melons are off to a strong start...